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Inji Efflatoun - Exhibitions of an Egyptian artist

Topic: Exhibitions
  • 1970
  • Inji Efflatoun
In a video interview, art historian Nadine Atallah talks about her research on Egyptian artist Inji Efflatoun (1924-1989), who also presented works in Berlin and Dresden during a traveling exhibition through the Soviet Union in 1970.
Interview with Nadine Atallah on 09.12.2022 as videocall between Paris and Dresden

Artist, activist and author Inji Efflatoun (1924-1989) grew up in Cairo, where she began painting at a young age. Through the artistic circles in which Efflatoun was active, she increasingly acquired a communist, anti-imperialist, and feminist position. Her political activism led to a four-year imprisonment in 1959.
The period after her release was marked by success - expressed, for example, in a traveling exhibition through the Soviet Union in 1970. Her work was also presented in the GDR in Berlin and Dresden.
Art historian and curator Nadine Atallah talks in a video interview about Inji Efflatoun's exhibitions in the GDR. She places the works on display in the artist's Œuvre and elaborates on the political significance of the presentation.
Nadine Atallah is researching the contribution of women to the visual arts in modern Egypt during the Nasser era. She completed her dissertation entitled Women, the Art, and the Nation. The Engagements of Female Visual Artists in Mid-Twentieth Century Egypt in 2022. She has worked with various art institutions and galleries in Europe and Lebanon and teaches art history and theory at the Ecole européenne supérieure d'art de Bretagne in Rennes.

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