- 1964
- Abed Abdi
- Sami Hakki
- Lea Grundig
- Sigrid Noack
- Gerhard Bondzin
- Gerhard Kettner
- Günter Horlbeck
- Dino di Rosa
- Elly Johnson
- Elis Kankkunen
- Mauricio Boizeau
- Elke Hopfe
- Rainer Zille
Five foreign art students in Dresden are participating in the group exhibition Gaststudenten in der Hochschule für Bildende Künste. Including Abed Abdi (Israel), Dino di Rosa (Chile), Mauricio Boizeau (Colombia), Elly Johnsen (Norway) and Elis Kankkunen (Finland).
Abed Abdi studied at the HfBK from 1964-1971 and graduated under Gerhard Bondzin. A video interview with him is available in the Art in Networks article Von Haifa an die HfBK. Elly Johnsen (1930-2011) studied at the Academy of Arts in Oslo and came to Dresden for a study visit in 1965/66. Elis Kankkunen was also at the HfBK in 1965/66. Both artists were supported by a scholarship from the Ministry of Culture of the GDR. In October 1966, graphics and paintings by Johnsen and Kankkunen were exhibited under the title Journey to the GDR at the GDR Cultural Center in Helsinki. Works by Kankkunen were also shown in the exhibition Grafik und Malerei aus Finnland (Berlin and Rostock, 1970). No further information is yet available on the stays of Dino di Rosa and Mauricio Boizeau in Dresden within the framework of Art in Networks. A print by di Rosa was part of the exhibition Transmissions: Art in Eastern Europe and Latin America, 1960-1980 at MoMa, New York in 2015 and can be viewed on the museum website: https://www.moma.org/artists/74912.