- 1974
- Emmanuel Guiragossian
- A. R. Penck
- Hernando León
- Anton Paul Kammerer
- Goran Djurovics
- Jürgen Wenzel
- Bernhard Hahn
Based on an encounter with photographer Mahmoud Dabdoub, art historian and curator Clementine Butler-Gallie has been working since 2016 on the ongoing project Distant Divides, which traces stories about German-Lebanese relations. As part of the project, Butler-Gallie has brought together various artists in an exhibition who have approached the subject in different ways. What they have in common is an engagement with the experience of divided worlds – like that of the Wall between East- and West-Berlin or the Green Line in Beirut. Frequently, these political events and experiences were the reason which led people to leave their own places of residence. In a broad variety of media, the works bear witness to the similarities and differences of the very individual experiences of moving to the Federal Republic of Germany or the GDR, or to Lebanon.